Popular belief associates the habit of smoking with a state of relaxation and tranquility (perhaps a deserved moment of evasion in the middle of a hard day or emotional situations that drain energy), while associating smoking cessation with anxiety and agitation.
However, a study in the United Kingdom has just shown the exact opposite: people who quit smoking suffer less stress than those who try and fail.
As can be seen from the aforementioned study, published in the journal ‘Addiction’, relapse in smoking is not only harmful to health due to the physical damage it causes, but also increases long-term stress levels.
The results of this study, as ‘The New York Times’ recalls, are consistent with other research carried out in 1999, also in the United Kingdom, which concluded that smokers experience more stress between cigar and cigar, and this is reduced when They quit smoking “The stress levels of adult smokers are slightly higher than those of non-smokers, teenagers who smoke reflect increasing levels of stress as they develop a regular pattern of smoking, and quitting smoking leads to a reduction in stress,” the study said.
And if, like many smokers, they have used cigarettes to help relieve stress, after quitting, you will need to learn new ways to handle difficult or challenging situations.
These tips will help you relieve stress … and never smoke again.
It is a lie that smoking relieves stress.
The nicotine in cigarettes is a stimulant. It causes the heart to beat faster and blood pressure to rise. Smoking can make you feel more stress. So why do people sometimes feel more relaxed after smoking?
Nicotine anxiety causes stress. When you smoke, your body stops craving nicotine and feels more relaxed. You may feel more relaxed because smoking does other things that relieve stress. For example, when you take a break to smoke a cigarette, you also take a break from work. You can find healthier ways to reduce stress without cigarettes.
Identify the ways in which smoking helped relieve stress. When you understand that smoking helped reduce stress, you can replace it with activities. For example:
-If you smoked to take a break, go for a walk and admire nature, take a deep breath.
-If smoking helped you stop thinking about problems, watch a funny movie or spend time in the company of good friends.
-If smoking made you feel calmer, try to take a deep breath, take a hot bath or take a walk. Relax without the cigarette.
Spend time every day to activities that you like. Listen to music. Practice gardening. Read a good book. Try to meditate. Only five minutes can help you relax. Make stress reduction a part of your life Exercise regularly. It is one of the best ways to relieve stress. It is possible that after quitting you may find it easier to exercise and enjoy it more. Eat well and get enough rest. You can handle stress better. Talk about your problems with someone you trust. Talking can help you manage stress.
Things you can do to immediately relieve stress, without lighting a cigarette
– Breathe deeply ten times
-Take a glass of water
-Take around the block
-Call a friend
-Play with your cat or dog
-Bath with hot water
– Sit with your feet up and imagine that you are on a tropical island
Even if you have desires, DO NOT give nicotine back into your system!
If in the past you smoked to relieve stress, you may want to smoke in the future when you feel stress, even years after smoking. Make plans. Think about what you will do instead of smoking.
Don’t give in! Do not use difficulties as an excuse to smoke.
Remember that the stress or emotional situations that are happening will not go away because you smoke. And starting to smoke again will cause more stress.
Recognize your progress or your firm decision to get rid of cigarettes. Seek support from Abrahamson Center to finally regain your well-being and maintain it over time.